
Junior Finals

  • This House opposes awards and recognitions in the artistic and/or creative fields. Examples include: Grammy and the BRIT awards in the field of music, Tony awards in theatre, Oscars and BAFTAs in filmmaking, etc.
  • Senior Finals

  • This House opposes the trend of record labels prioritizing social-media presence over talent and technical abilities in deciding artists they want to sign
  • Novice Finals

  • This House prefers a world where there is a strong social pressure to have a logical disposition
  • Novice Semifinals

  • This House opposes the rapid expansion of Elon Musk's ownership in the telecommunication industry. Telecommunication companies owned by Elon Musk include Starlink, AiX, Twitter (now X), among others.
  • Grand Final

  • This House supports the rise of AI companions
  • Semifinals

  • This House opposes the widespread investment in sports by investors from the Gulf Countries
  • Quarterfinals

  • This House supports the rise of 'beige influencers'
  • Round 5

  • This House beleives that developing countries should adopt the MAGMA program
  • Round 4

  • This House believes that mainstream political parties should never cooperate with radical populist parties
  • Round 3

  • This House opposes the practice of video game modding
  • Round 2

  • This house believes that feminist movements in Western liberal democracies should abandon the narrative that 'the personal is political'
  • Round 1

  • This house supports the montessori method being the norm in primary schools